Published on: May 16th,2020

By – Vanshika Khanna

Therapy, now what google describes it is that a therapy or medical treatment is the attempted remediation of a health problem, usually following a diagnosis.

As a rule, each therapy has indications and contraindications. There are many different types of therapy. Not all therapies are effective. Many therapies can produce unwanted adverse effects. But if someone is pumped about it the answer would be the most effective exercise one can say that is required by human mind to work with human body or in simpler words to deal with actual inner self. In today’s time almost everybody takes a therapy in some or the other form. The point arises whether that therapy helps them to come out of that phase, to deal with it or not.

It has its forms to showcase the adverse effects on people such as music, dance, crying, sharing problems with parents, finding a destructive solution by discussing with the most trusted person if not parents then the closest friend or sibling, some might even drink and consume drugs like weed which gives them the most relief, or nowadays the most famous game PUBG and last but not the least being the body of support – psychotherapy or Cognitive Behavioural Therapy. Psychotherapy is the real game which has its other name as counselling. The word counselling when heard looks wispy by all but when a big word like psychotherapy arises its deplorable. The so called ‘adults’ or even the ‘cool teenagers’ seem this as that the people who follow the path of psychotherapy are crazy or mental. They are given shock treatments. But the famous quote intelligible it that ‘DON’T JUDGE A BOOK BY ITS COVER’. In this savage world people still have the mentality that if a person goes to see a therapist, then they are sick, some mental problems with him or her, that these people should be in a mental hospital as if it’s their first opinion. As the day passes it becomes difficult for those who have bad experiences in their past and didn’t get right path that had to be followed. They might get flashbacks, or even Post Traumatic Stress Disorder due to which they may also have anxiety or panic attacks. They might not get going to a therapist but once they decide to visit a doctor or therapist or counsellor then those souls are surrounded by roar of laughter. If we even prefer about what the world will think or what will those four people say, society will have the taunts ready to blow on that one person so let’s take an example of daily lives: the age group of 16-23 think whatever they decide is the endmost decision. The children do not have an open relationship with their parents, and they don’t reach out to sensible people. The generation in which we are living has been quite the aggressive one which if not released can turn things into a negative manner. This aggression can change the behavioural patterns one individual and can soon be a habit if not controlled by time. So, behaviours like these can also be healed through therapies.

Yes, it is true that therapy is for sick or troubled individuals but for anyone who is going through any sort of stress. It becomes onerous who are not able to tackle heavy pressure or loads of stress in their life. As the competition is increasing so is the stress, anxiety, depressive symptoms etc levels which leads to breakdown of mental health. But then in the fast-growing high society people go for venting out. Therapy is a way to help these individuals. It might be easy for people to tell how their inner conscious feels to a stranger(therapist) than to the knowns because they might feel they are being judged.

So, this was just a form of therapy that is psychotherapy which is the most common one. Therapies like music or dance people attach themselves to it and find a binding soul to it, their stress is relieved, the feel fresh, have a clear mind, a positive vibe letting off all that leaving what was disturbing them. Some other forms of therapy are Emotionally Focused Therapy, Psychodynamic Therapy, Gestalt Therapy, Multicultural Therapy, Art Therapy, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, Interpersonal Psychotherapy etc.

Therapies help people to be themselves gaining confidence inside – out. One should not treat others ill mannered; they should respect one’s decision of having therapy.

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