Published on: June 24th,2020

It all feels like being in tranquility whenever we think about someone who gives us goosebump, whenever we meet them, someone who makes us stare at them whenever they talk to us, who makes us feel nervous whenever they are around us and leaves us in a state of hopelessness but with a pinch of happiness in it. It happens with everyone when we start falling for someone. We start liking everything the use to like, we start doing everything they use to do because they might not make us like them but give us a pleasure of being like them and feeling like them. Their look, their presence and their smile may provide us immense happiness and may satisfy our heart that always calls for that special one. If we talk about the one-sided love where that one heart beats at a faster rate than usual whenever it thinks of the another heart without coming into it's knowledge is what we may call the purest form of love.

The one-sided love or the untold one is said to be the purest may be because we fall for them by keeping no boundaries, no expectations and yes without any fear of getting rejected or getting apart from them. We simply just want to be around them, want to talk more about their do's and don’ts and just want to be a tiny part of their happening life. Getting them near to us feels like blooming roses in a barren land, raining in a drought prone area and rising of sun in midnight darkness in nutshell our days started going in their thoughts and our mind starts revolving around them. Making thousands of excuses to stay with them, finding reasons to talk them, randomly making phone calls just to hear them and try to plan things just to stay in touch with them is all what heart requires then. Without any hope of being together we start moving ahead to another day and another way to ensure their presence around us.

Everything has it's positive and negative sides and yes it has too. Talking about some positive things we know we will never be heartbroken as our heart already know that the another person was never ours and also we never kept any expectations. Sleeping with their dreams to have a more peaceful night, thinking about them when get stressed, looking for their face when everything seems to be devastating are few of the expectations but this won't hurt us because they are confided to us and our heart. Deep down our soul wants to be them but our mind knows the correct boundations, listening to our heart and perform accordingly we know we will end up ruining every special memory we have gained till now. Our heart wants both souls to be together but our mind knows it will just be a contract between two minds and souls. Just loving that another soul limitlessly and most important unconditionally is why we call it to be less risky as there's no scope of getting hurt and getting isolated. Adoring them in serenity, looking for their presence again and again without any hopes and aspirations to be with them for long. Best part of our lives is when we know we can't be together and we don't hope for more but just adore the thing we have and keep ourselves in the boundaries of staying the same and keeping our bond as regular and usual it used to be because we know moving forward may spoil everything and we can loose what we have now. Sometimes the most beautiful thing is keeping our heart beating in someone's memory and remembering them each possible second we can just to feel better than usual and to reach the state of serenity without coming in notice of that special person we used to adore. In crux the line " Love ceases to be a pleasure, when it ceases to be a secret" explains everything in it.

What bad could happen is just when we start expecting and start having hopes from them knowing the fact that it could even ruin everything from their bond to their memories. Time comes when we start feeling like we can't just keep that love for them for so long in our heart and therefore our soul start carving for our loved ones to be with us and starts putting conditions that creates a terrible fight between our heart and mind for having expectations and for leaving behind that unconditional love and stepping into the one that may devastate everything that being our heart, our soul or our wonderful bond with them.

Unrequited love is the purest thing if the heart of the person never wants to cross its boundaries, don't want to have any expectations from the another person and is ready to admire them and adore them without any conditions with their open heart and relentless love, because purest is the one that doesn't have any conditions mixed in it. Love but not to get loved in return instead love to satisfy your heart and create pleasures for yourself.



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