The Craze of Netflix

Published on: June 10th,2020

Nowadays, if we generally ask someone that what is he/she doing, we come across a very common answer, "Netflix and Chill". Yes, this is the phrase that has become very popular among people these days. It seems like those days are somewhere lost, when people used to do something productive in their free time like physical workout, reading and other activities that can help them to keep their minds sharp and active. But now, apart from all these things, every single person has become a "binge watcher" with their obsession of watching series spending nights and nights.

Continuous watching of series and movies on Netflix has become the reason of late-night awakening of children and adults these days. Like no one is willing to stop watching the series until they actually finish it. Besides from making people binge watchers or keeping them away from other productive activities, these late-night movies or series watching is affecting the mental and physical health of people at a greater extent. Physical problems like back pain and neck pain have become very common nowadays at an early age. Continuous watching over phone screen also damages eye sight and causes diseases like migraine.

If we talk about the content of the series that is being watched, it is mostly disgusting and filthy. There are good series and movies too but in front of eighteen plus content, children won't prefer any other inspirational movies. Most preferred series or movies do not give much knowledge of anything to people, these are just a wastage of time.

There are so many fictional series and action drama that have faded reality from people's mind and have made them believe in what they are catering to. It has become very difficult to get rid of this obsession, and if in any case, someone would try not to watch these, instances of the same come in their minds in bare time and in fact in their dreams. Fictional things take instant place in a person’s mind very easily because these things are so fascinating that it is very difficult to get one's mind away from it.

There are movies or series that are based on books and some literature; students find it very difficult to focus on these series or movies and get bored early as compared to others. Since Netflix is not that expensive, everyone now has access to use this to the fullest and if someone is not able to do the same, they try to figure it out anyhow by sharing passwords and usernames. It has become so easy now to have this facility and ruin our precious time. Netflix has stolen the habit of reading books of so many people because now everyone thinks that they can watch the same on Netflix that they used to read from books.

Everything seems good if it is done in limits but if that becomes an obsession then it would lead to trap one in its vicious circle, one day.

Savitri Singh

Lakshmibai College

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