Should Sex Education be Mandatory in Schools?

Published on: June 24th,2020


Everything should be done after having a proper, prior knowledge about it and "little knowledge" of anything is really dangerous.

Same thing applies to "sex education", every student should have proper sex related information at a certain age, so that he or she would not take inappropriate steps in the future out of the utter lack of knowledge about sex. Here the question arises that who will introduce them to the concept of sex? Is the biology book giving them full knowledge about the same? The answer is "No". If we talk about a country like India, discussion about sex is a very big deal for everyone, whether that discussion happens between parents and children or teachers and students. None of the party comes out openly for the discussion.

The explanation in books for the same is meant to be for academic purpose only and not everyone is able to get its actual meaning. Also, for today's generation that has some knowledge about sex, which they consider to be an act of fun or pleasure; they think that they know everything about sex, which is not true. Since the explanation about sex relating to reproduction in the book of science in schools is not sufficient, there should be a separate subject for sex education in schools. Countries like America and Germany give proper and comprehensive knowledge to their students apart from the academic subjects, because teen pregnancy rate, there, reported around 30 teen births per thousand. The enthusiastic mind of a teenage student tends to take such steps without any knowledge for mere fun and pleasure, without realizing the consequences.

Also, sex education programs like seminars would help young people to delay sexual activity, after having the comprehensive knowledge and improve their contraceptive use when they begin to have sex. In a country like India, the idea of sex education is still veiled by the element of shyness among people. It's not a thing that should be hidden from anyone, as sex is the basic need of a human body. Religious aspects come in front of sex education; everyone wants to give religious knowledge but no one comes up with the idea of what a young mind actually needs. In order to restrict young people to have sex at an early age or at correct age, some elders associate sex with death which is not fully correct. This type of knowledge is not what they actually require.

There are things that make young people or minds excited at some point of time and if someone doesn't have the knowledge as to how to control this or how to satisfy themselves, then here we come to know the importance of sex education that their mind is lacking. In India, for the sake of having sex education, people think porn is the best way, which is not correct. There are dialogues also or, can be said, a realistic thing that we can see in India that if any child asks about how a baby is born, he or she gets an answer like, "Aasman se ek pari aati hai baby dene". Is there any logic in this? Is this the kind of sex education a child must have? Sex is an aesthetic activity; it is the meeting of two souls than mere two bodies and we should not hide it from students who should know the same. Also, the myth that babies can be born only after getting married is also very famous in India. Most of the young students think the same.

Inappropriate sex education leads to ridiculous acts of rapes and forceful sex across the world. Also lack of sex education is the reason behind population explosion in many countries. Sex education makes choices clear about everything regarding sex. There are so many diseases that are sexually transmitted and due to lack of knowledge, their spread becomes more prevalent. Proper knowledge of sex could help students to be less experimental for an activity like sex and make them more careful in regard to the same. There are so many things that a young mind lacks regarding sex and hence, it is very important to have proper sex education in schools; still it's a debatable topic in many countries.

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