‘Should Moral Education be a part of School curriculum?’ (1)

Published on: May 5th,2020

~Muskan kwatra

What people remember of us is not our degrees, not our profession and not even the luxuries we possess.

It is the character of a person that is reflection of his soul & that is what makes him what he is.

Numerous criminal cases are reported daily. Molestation of women, murdering, cheating, robbery, fraud, this all depicts lack of sensitivity and loss of spiritual connection that can only be established with the help of moral values. The reason of all injustice comes down to ‘Social behaviour’. Be it Westernisation, Generation gap, Advancement or a Trend nothing can be the answer to this inhumanity.

Moral values are an indispensable part of our personality and an inclusive part of education. Though education plays a crucial role in shaping our personalities to enrich our lifestyles, in modern times, education has become like a rat race where good grades is the priority, where copying down the answers and getting a decent marksheet, by any means is the only consideration. When the mentality of just achieving the goals at any cost becomes applicable to the concept of life then the worry begins. Everyone has different circumstances, just like different question papers, so how can the answers be copied? 

A child is sent to school from a very young age so that he grows in an environment where he learns to deal with obstacles, learns to fail and start all over again. School is a place where his confidence is built and moral values are instilled in him. On an average a person spends around 25 years of his life time in  getting education and this is the time where he is exposed to different horizons and his perceptions, capabilities, wisdom, knowledge also develop.

Isn’t it the most important stage in a person’s life? Shouldn’t it be seen as an opportunity to carve a person as one of the best sculpture? If it is, then being honest, just, legitimate, accommodative, generous, to share love and care, show consideration and sensitivity are basic principles of moral education.

There is a need to understand that Children are 25% of population but 100% of future. If we wish to renew the society, we must raise a generation of Children who have strong moral character. Moral education empowers us with a decision making ability and wisdom to choose between right and wrong. It teaches us social behaviour of how to treat women, and give an understanding of our responsibilities towards elders and tells the purpose of life.

It is the fact that what a child learns at young age, becomes his habit and then his character so curriculum in schools and colleges must be designed in such a way so that Outer growth and inner growth go hand-in -hand. It is the need of the hour to teach children to live good lives and at the same time become productive, contributing members of their communities.

In India, giving up of their own culture and values is very much in trend. No one wants to be carrying the old age perceptions which are considered backward and irrelevant. But no Development can ever happen if a good character is not one of the characteristics in society. A spiritual mentor, Hita Ambrish ji, opined that being innocent and receptive makes life an ecstasy as then nature opens the gates of abundance and blessings for the being.

What we gives, the way we think comes back to us, and yes, nature reciprocates.

Vinita Jhawar has rightly said that that “Life is a mix of lot experiences, journey, failures, achievements and when one has values and morals steering his/her actions then life becomes easy and a happy story.”

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