
Published on: June 24th,2020

Nowadays, racism is known to be another global pandemic, here’s about it. We are not responsible for our 1st thought but we are solely responsible for our 2nd thought and 1st action. We all say that we need to be educated to act differently but in reality, we need to be aware. India as a community is the most diverse one, yet we tend to have the most inadequate stereotypes and prejudices of all. Social Scientists believe that children, by the age of 3, pick up the terms of racial prejudice without really understanding their significance.

Today, when people across the world are protesting against racism, most of us support it but in reality, do we really? As we all know, people are obsessed with fairness and the most adequate example of this are the advertisements of beauty creams which promise to give fair complexion instead of skincare and the sad part is, these products are in demand by our society, the one which we’ve formed, we live in and will pass on.

If you watch Bollywood movies, you’d imagine India as a country of white folks. Indian racism towards Black people is almost worse than white peoples’ racism. It’s unbelievable. We’ve seen it happen on the streets to people with dark skin. And sometimes it comes from people whose skin colour is really no different! That racism has manifested in outright attacks. In 2014, soon after the Aam Aadmi Party won a massive mandate in the Delhi elections, the Law Minister Somnath Bharti led a group of people on a midnight raid, a group of Congolese and Ugandan women were physically attacked and humiliated in Khirki for being involved with “immoral and illegal activities”. In 2017, African students were attacked and beaten by a vigilante mob in Greater Noida, charged with selling drugs. But racism in India is vast and varied. Who can forget the BJP Member of Parliament, Tarun Vijay’s defense of racism after the Noida attack— “If we were racist, why would the entire South — you know the Tamils, you know Kerala, Karnataka and Andhra — why do we live with them?”

Why do they live with us? He should tell us black South Indian folks.

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