Problems of Migrant Labours during Lockdown (1)

Published on: May 16th,2020

Coronavirus is not just global Pandemic it is great threat for those who are poor, unemployed and migrant workers, it stops all activities happening in the world and it disrupt human lifecycle, working cycle and routine of everyone in the world.

A good impact of lockdown we seeing are nature flourishing, air pollution declining, flowers are blooming, rivers self- cleaning by itself and animals are wandering in empty roads of cities because all the activities shut down and no one coming out of their home during lockdown. On the other hands migrant labour faces a heavy hit by lockdown. One side lockdown is necessary to amid coronavirus because no other option (vaccine) we have as by now but on the other hand it throw a heavy setback on migrant labours and poor people. Worldwide all the economic activity shouted down, big economies are in recession, supply chain braked, demand is low worldwide, unemployment rises, manufacturing units are shouted down and only supply of essential goods are ongoing. India’s GDP was not so good in last 2-3 quarters and now another heavy hit on economy by lockdown. Economists estimating that India’s GDP will be between 0-2% growth rate up to 2021. Many stimulus packages announced by govt. to boost up economy during this lockdown, but up to till all the economic activity not getting started the economy remain in recession.

Coronavirus confirmed cases increases day by day in thousands in a country everyday. Govt. implementing new measures but increasing cases made a critical situation. Central and some states govt. like Maharashtra, Delhi, Gujrat and Madhya Pradesh wanted to Increase Lockdown or wanted lockdown 4.0 to amid coronavirus. But if lockdown will be increases it simultaneously increase the problems of daily wage earner workers and migrant labours. In lacs. Migrant labour leaving cities and urban areas and going towards villages and rural areas because they have no employment, food items or Rashaan and drinking water in cities. Due to lockdown all the transportation system is off, labours are forced to go by foot from one state to other with their family. They face a heavy setback of lockdown. The nationwide lockdown in India which has impacted nearly 40 million internal migrants. “the lockdown in India has Impacted the livelihoods of a large proportion of Country’s nearly 40 million internal migrants. Around 50000-60000 moved from urban centre’s to rural areas. Migrant workers tend to be vulnerable to loss of employment and wages during an economic crisis in their host country, more so than native-born workers.

As the economy struggling with the lockdown and thousands of firms and workers state at an uncertain future, some state govt. last week decided to make significant changes in labour laws. The most significant changes were announced by three BJP ruled state UP, MP and Gujrat but serval states like Rajasthan, Punjab and Odisha too made changes, although smaller in scope. UP the most populous state, has made the boldest changes as it summarily suspends the application of almost all labour laws in the state for the next three years. The new labour reform will promote ease of doing business in the state. However, it is crucial that companies safeguard the interest and wellbeing of the labours. The long-awaited labour law reforms by states make it easier for factories and businesses to run efficiently amid the coronavirus-led crisis, but the relaxation in rules may also put at stake the interest of labours and workers, with businesses getting free hand.

In nationwide lockdown many labours stuck in big cities and urban areas, they have no means of transportation to go their respective villages and homes. In some sates Indian railway starts some special train for migrant labours considering the hardship faced by the people stuck in other state due to coronavirus lockdown. Finance minister announces Rs. 1.7 lakh crore package for the migrant labours and poor hit by lockdown. Various state govt. also announced relief package for the migrant labours and for poor people. The Pradhan Mantri Garib Kalyan Yojana also help poor rural women and labours of urban areas amid lockdown. One question arises in everybody’s mind that all these measures are effective and efficient? The number of confirmed cases increases daily putting govt. in critical situation. The relief packages are good enough for labours and poor if coronavirus confirmed cases declining and no more need to be extend lockdown.

Ashwin Patidar

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