Power of Defense in a Country's Growth

Published on: June 24th,2020

_Shahabuddin_C "Constant war is always devastating for a country, but It's better to fight than being unarmed. "

There are three type of forces we have Army ( ground forces), Air Forces and Naval forces ( water force). These three protect a country from other Country's evil intentions. As all countries pretend that all are peace keeping countries, never want to involve in a war, all talk about tranquility notwithstanding all countries are busy to consolidate their arms for wars. It is an issue to be focused that why any country shows it's motive to establish peace and tranquility but simultaneously same country invests in large amount for the growth of its defense power?

The statistics says that USA is the all time country which invests in bundles for defense and always mark itself top in the line with spending 732.0 bn USD. This followed by China with huge expenditure of 261.0 bn USD on defence. Next comes India with 71.1 bn USD and the Russian Federation spending 65.1 bn USD.

This is not a small amount which is being used to consolidate the defence system of countries. The paradox is that all counties claim, they follow up a policy of peace, tranquility and fraternity.

Now, every country wants to become powerful in defence inspite of following the policy of tranquility could have it's own importance. Nowadays country having large and advanced defence power has some importance in the global market. Other countries show respect and always try to adulate the country having exuberant defence power.

China as it's defence power is growing day by day, it's influence in the neighbor countries is can be seen remarkably. On the other hand India is losing it's good relations with all neighbor countries just because of China's influence. The same happens globally when the matters come upon United States of America, the country having largest and most advanced defence power, never oblige to the rules and regulations of international authorities. USA had shown its behaviour regarding this multiple times in past. None country or international body come forward to pass orders against USA and all this come with the strength of country's defence power.

India after being independent from colonial rule was not so much strong to fight againt any country. It had to take almost 30 to 50 years that India cam stand off with other countries but in the middle of it's growth India had to face many wars against Pakistan and The Dragon China. As pakistan was a very small country and never developed itself so it was very easy for India to tackle the stones thrown by Pakistan but China in 1962 became a catastrophic for India. The same time India was not in state to fight against the dragon, s finally India losed it's territories in the hand of China. But nowadays India never afraid to retaliate against china's or any other spook like countries.

As aforementioned quote says constant wars can be hazardous for any country but not having proper defence system is always an endangered situation for the nation. India is now in a condition that can defeat many countries and establish it's power over them but simultaneously India follows a never attack first Policy, and always try to maintain friendly relation with neighbour countries but if any country militate against India, India now never think second to retaliate. All power of retaliation comes with the strength of defence power of a country.

Name : Shahabuddin

College : Maharaja Agrasen College, DU

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