Published on: June 4th,2020

"Moral philosophy is nothing else but the science of what is good, and evil, in the conversation and the society of mankind. Good, and evil, are names that signify our appetites, and aversions; which in different tempers, customs and doctrines of men, are different."-- Thomas Hobbes

"Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away."- Maya Angelou. Everyone says that we all get life one's so we should live it happily. But the question is what the life actually is? In my perspective, life is every that moment which you wish to life, and enjoy that moment either it's of joy or sorrow but it you are enjoy it then that is the life. Actually their is a lot of difference between being alive and actually living the life. Being alive is just doing your normal routine work whether you are willing to do or not, feeding yourself and finally taking rest and this becomes daily cycle of life but actually living the life is enjoying each and every moment. In this you get to know about yourself, you explore yourself and know what is right or wrong about self and develop a sense of humanity in self.

One's thinking about life depends upon his/ her purpose in life. In my view, the main purpose of life is not only just seeking goals and making career but it is something about building and knowing self. The main purpose of life should be to become a real and actual human and the motive should be to spread humanity land love in the world.

One of the biggest and most important philosophy of my life is that we should chase the perfection because even if we will not attain perfection but definitely we will achieve excellence in our work as well as in our life. So, our aim should be to become as much perfect as we can. Because there is a saying that whether you become a grasscutter but think to become the best grasscutter. Always do your best. Always remember that it's you who will get the reward of what you are doing now, so just be self and focus on your own work.

The other one is about humanity. We are humans. We have taken birth in the earth to serve others. So, it's our first responsibility to serve other humans and other creatures in the world. Swami Vivekananda said,"If you want to become a leader then you first want to become a servant." So humans are meant to serve others, think about other's prosperity and welfare before self and also this is the humaity which much needed in today's world. To have a thinking in the mind that noone could suffer just because of me is the humanity. And we all need to develop such mentality then only we will be called the real humans.

Wise men speak because they have something to say; Fools because they have to say something- Plato. One of my philosophies in life is to speak less and listen more. There is a reason why we have two ears and one mouth. Unfortunately, most people do not know when to talk and when to stop talking. People who cannot keep their mouths shut are looked at as arrogant and self-centered and people tend to avoid them. So, we all should make habit of listening more than speaking. It has also been said that listen to everyone and do with your mind and self senses. Listening is golden.

“Change your thoughts and you change your world”- Norman Vincent Peale.Thoughts play an important role in molding our behavior. You can know about the personality of a particular person just by knowing his/her point of views on any particular topic. If you will then you can change the world by your thoughts and if they will be for the welfare or others then definitely one will get success in it's implementation. No matter how much anyone tries to stop you, no one can stop you as long as you have the courage and confidence on yourself and you can move forward on your good thoughts and keep them up. So be true to yourself and do what is right. One must have conscience then only the needed thoughts can be established. And conscience develops from experience and self examination.

Now the term comes self examination. What is self-examination? Self-examination is the test of yourself in every difficulty. By this way only we can explore ourselves deeply. By self-examining, one can motivate, conduct, inspire and leads to the better path. You get what you give. Either it is respect or hatred. So always try to give and don't expect anything in return but definitely you will get your reward. Life seems very happy and easy when the feeling of giving comes to mind.

My another philosophy is that I believe on "Do or don't do, there is no try" means if you really want to do anything for the welfare of others then noone can stop you. So, just continue seeking your goal with full determination. Also don't allow others to try to change you. You should be determined on your own thoughts if you think that you are right at that point. Develop your own conscience and act accordingly. Noone has right to force you to act according to them, it's your life and you have right to live it in your own way which you like. “When what you hear and what you see don't match, trust your eyes.” ― Dale Renton. One of the most important ignorance that one must make in his/her life is that never completely trust those who cheat or do evil or who slander about others in front of you because if they are doing evil in front of you about others, then maybe they will be doing evil about you in front of someone else. One should never trust people like these. The talk of such people should be ignored. These people are not close and trustworthy to anyone. So just believe yourself and take decisions accordingly. Life should always be abiding by its principles whatever the situation will be.

We as humans are able to make conscious, individual choice and take responsibility for our actions, beliefs, feelings and attitudes. Life is like a stage of drama where everyone has a has to play their roles. It's something about testing each and everyone. Just take it a test and give you best in it. If life is to be lived happily, one has to awaken the ability to forgive someone by abandoning their feelings of evil. Forgive everyone, forget all the bad memories, learn from all the evil moments and move forward. By this you will live a happy life and begin to enjoy it. Respect everyone, spread love and compassion. Everyone gets life once but lives it everyday, every moment enjoy it fully and know the reason for taking birth in this earth as human. Small steps in the right direction can turn out to be the biggest step of your life. Difficult roads often leads to beautiful destinations. Love yourself first, because that's who you'll spend the rest of your life with. I find remarkable those souls who somehow maintain a consistency of philosophy, and who live in line with it. They are remarkable because it is hard to live with character. It is hard to live as if life won’t go on forever. And it’s why, every now and again, I find that reflecting on the reality of death is one of the best things I can do to make the most of the reality of my life. So just enjoy the moment that you are living heartfully. Be yourself and definitely you are going to enjoy that moment which you live for yourself.

----- by Swati Gupta

College- Shaheed Rajguru College of Applied Sciences for Women, University of Delhi

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