Is India is suffering from a dilemma?

Published on: June 5th,2020


India is a developing country focusing on growth and expansion. Former president Abdul Kalam (A.P.J Abdul kalam) in his governance had once dreamed the fact that India will become a developed country by 2020 and will bulge as a superpower in the upcoming future years, but eventually outbreak of pandemic across world had devolve the growth of the economy and which had lagged India five years back resulted in disembogued of economic growth and decline in the GDP rate to the greater extent.

Due to the sudden outbreak of virus across the nation every citizens is facing some problems although some are suffering from loss in their businesses or works and some are even suffering for their survival. A little over months ago, things looked very different and dissimilar.

We could gather in groups studying in a class and chilling with them is like living every moment felicitously. There was a hectic environment flared everywhere with overcrowding and routed traffic in the roads, highways and flying on a plane wasn’t seen as a health hazard.

Since then, life as we know it has experienced a tremendous and drastic change due to the spread of Covid-19 across the globe affected society, economy and daily working cultures. Increasing numbers of death cases in the past 2 months had impacted to a dreadful fear in the million’s heart.

Indian government in the governance of honorable Prime Minister Narendra Modi had made many good stab to control the spread in country, besides these numerous efforts government may had reduced the pace of spread but not able to control it fully and even making every attempts from lockdown 1 to 4 and sealing the borders of different states to handle the pace, but the fight with corona is seen to be very tough can only to tackle through support and unity. This adverse situation had pushed down the country into a dilemma. The old idea that civilization is destroyed from within, not from without, has been turned upside down. In just a few weeks a virus ten-thousandth of a millimeter in diameter has spread around the world like wildfire from a market in Wuhan, to threaten our civilized order.

How we respond to the moral dilemmas raised by covid-19 will reflect on our values and the number of lives we save. India has only 1, 00,000 intensive- care beds and 20,000 ventilators. Creating herd immunity would mean about half of India would need to be infected, and with a 1% mortality rate 6.5 million would die. This is not an imaginary exercise: 17 million Indians actually died in the 1918 Spanish Flu. Lockdown is, thus, the only answer. But, if we persist on the lockdown for longer periods it will lead our economy to crash and if we don’t continued, it will affect so many lives.

Many of the peoples are facing problems from this lockdown, but the main victims who are struggling with it are migrant workers, many of them are even not able to manage to eat one time food due to this lockdown as they have a hurry to move to their homes, villages etc. where there they will only get a comfort space to survive. Immediate concerns faced by such workers related to shelter, food, healthcare facilities, fear of getting infection, loss of salaries and wages, concern and care about the family, anxiety. Sometimes, they also face harassment and negative reactions of the local community. During outbreak of pandemic and the restrictions imposed on routine activities as a part of social distancing norms to prevent the spread of the disease, examined migrant workers tend to move back to their native places. During the prevailing COVID-19 spread also, many of them are stuck at borders including state, districts and at national border areas. These are the most unorganized sections of the society who are dependent on daily wages for their living, and in times of such distress need sympathy and understanding of the society.

There is a need of psychological support which is to be provides to them as a part of such support following measure to be adopted:-

• Do listens to their problems patiently and understand and believe them with the reflected human nature.

• Recognize specific needs and amenities for each family and person. There should be no generalization. Help them to acknowledge that this is an unusual situation of uncertainty and reassure them the situation is transient and not going to last long.

• Emphasis on their importance of staying in their present location and how mass movement could greatly affect all efforts to contain the virus. Learn responsibility to help every citizen irrespective of gender, culture and religion and show them a kind behavior by reacting in a manner to deal with their sentiments without insulting them and try to understand the issues and be patient.

• Treat every migrant worker with dignity, respect, empathy and compassion and if somebody is afraid of getting affected, tell them that the condition is curable, and the most recover state from it.

Besides the trepid environment, life had running in its own pace giving some memorable moments even in the lockdown which we had missed in our busy lives. Playing indoor games and talking with our parents, grandparents and siblings had gives us immense happiness and brought a smile on our faces.

Finally, because everyone’s quarantine experience is different, you don’t have to compare yours to other. May be one had experienced more nasty than you.

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