Indo- China Relations

Published on: June 24th,2020

Currently, the dispute at LAC of the two countries is widely talked about, with everyone having a different perspective. It has become one of the hotly debated topics of the time. Today, Our relations are on the edge of precipice. At least 20 people have died in clashes between Indian and Chinese troops along the disputed Himalayan border running along the Ladakh area of Kashmir. It is the first fatal clash since 1975 and the most serious since 1967.

To understand what and why China has been doing it is really important to travel down the lane of time.

India and China fought a war in 1962 over their contested border in the Himalayas. The war ended as they decided upon the Line of Actual Control(LAC), which demarcates the difference between Indian and chinese territory. Though LAC is a rough- demarcation line and its actual location has not been clarified for the past two decades. Both have built roads, airstrips, outpost stations, and other infrastructure, such as telephone lines. Troops conduct regular patrols along the disputed border. China claims more than 90,000sq km in the eastern Himalayas and another 38,000sq km in the west, both of which are disputed by India.

Bilateral talks have been conducted between the two and the decision has been made of de-escalation in recent weeks but the loss of life there has made it really precarious.

There are many reasons why China would have steered such disputes especially after the Covid -19 pandemic which it helped to worsen only.

Concerns with India China perceives itself as the leading power ruling the unipolar world by 2050. It can’t see the rise of India as a potential competitive power. Though there are a lot of trade agreements between the two.

On the economic front, China has a trade surplus of around $750 billion (in the last 10 years) with India, which it needs to bring down. Service sector can play a major role in reducing the trade deficit.

China is India's largest trading partner. India has trade dependency on China to a great extent because there is demand of chinese products, being cheaper, in the Indian markets, therefore, it is not possible for India to ban Chinese products. Besides we have signed a World trade agreement which makes it difficult for a country to ban any nation’s product involved in the agreement.

China considers India to be weaker than their country and therefore takes advantage by extending their boundaries and involving in disputes.

Secondly, India wants to be a part of the Nuclear suppliers group which has 48 countries. But, one can join this group only when all 48 countries give the permission. China blocks India to join this group. The reason given is that India is a Non- party to Non proliferation Treaty.

China–Pakistan relations began in 1950 when Pakistan was among the first countries to end official diplomatic relations with the Republic of China (or Taiwan) and recognize the People's Republic of China (PRC) regime on Mainland China. Since then, both countries have placed considerable importance on the maintenance of an extremely close and supportive special relationship.

Now, China has claimed that Galwan valley comes under their territory, making an unprecedented formal claim on an area that has always been under India’s control. There this confiscation of Indian territory is globally criticized. Foreign Governments have tweeted paying their condolences to the families of the Indian soldiers lost and hurt in the recent attack by China.

Chinese MEA spokesperson have not regretted any of their attacks and claim to have reiterated the invasion of Indian Army in their territory. He said “on the evening of June 15, India’s front-line troops, in violation of the agreement… once again crossed the Line of Actual Control for deliberate provocation… and even violently attacked the Chinese officers and soldiers who went there for negotiation, thus triggering fierce physical conflicts and causing casualties”.

A bilateral and peaceful decision must be taken to end the disputes and the casualties on both the sides. Though China is more powerful but India can’t give up their territory being fearful of the repercussions. We are looking for a just and strong decision that doesn’t hamper the India- China relations.

-Muskan Kwatra

Kamala Nehru College

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