India's Fairness Obsession

Published on: June 10th,2020

India is vast country with diverse castes and cultures. Different cultures have different beliefs and so about racism and colourism. We have been battling since a very long time with racism and the situation is still not improving up to the expectations. We all want to look beautiful, and by “beautiful” we mean to look “fair”. However, this is not the true definition of beautiful. “Being beautiful” means having a good nature, and heart who pays gratitude for whatever they have got in their lives. And this defination includes both men and women. There are plenty of fairness creams available in the market for skin lightening, out of which one has the lines “the world is not fair, but you become fair” by using these so- called fairness products. Among these, the most popular Fairness cream is “fair & lovely”.

The cream name itself suggests how racist it is. It is associating “fair or fairness” with “lovely” means only fair people are beautiful. And people are so influenced by such products that they blindly trust them and use in the anticipation of getting visible results. They start believing that Fairness cream is a “magic cream” which can bring glow in their face overnight. This mentality is completely ridiculous. I mean how fool they are, who believe on such things. Why don't they understand that every human has got a unique skin tone and that is God's gift and one must embrace it?

Ok, for a while I take a pause and draw your attention towards other side. Many people still agree with me, and they also tend to give lectures to other people who face problems of having dark- skinned but when it comes to them, they don't stick to their thoughts. They keep on changing their views and rush to follow the same”fairness cream-Vala approach” to solve their problems. Isn't it ironical and foolish at the same time?

So coming back to the main topic, now let's have an Outlook at the prevalence of Fairness preference in our Indian society. Fairness products are widely promoted by Actors and Actresses, sport persons, business companies via Ads and posters through television, social-media, radio, newspapers, etc. Promoting with the lines like”Ab star dikhega... “.

This line shows how TV industry discriminates between dark and fair colored people by showing celebrities and prominent personality's superiority on the scene, and provoke the common people to be like them(in regard of physical appearance). Some examples include Shahrukh Khan singing “ye kaali kaali aankhein, ye gore gore gaal” in Baazigar to “White White face dekhe, dilwaa beating fast”in Tashan and many countless popular songs celebrate fair skin. There is also some rule for selecting air -hostesses.

They have the criteria to choose fair, tall and beautiful girl for the same and simply rejecting the dark girls, no matter how much more skilled they are. This kind of partiality is completely nuisance and I condemn such practices. Other than this, if you will ask people Why we are so obsessed with this Fairness? Why we don’t simply accept our real appearance and color? Why don't we simply ignore people's comments? Why are we so influenced by fair and good — looking people? Is it impossible to survive without having fair skin? I don't think so. Everyone is here to live the life with full zeal, in parallel, having purpose to keep going.

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