Heaven and Hell both exist on Earth (1)

Published on: May 19th,2020

-By Yatendra Kumar

Different people have dissimilar opinions about heaven, some believe that place as may be a home to fairies and God or some believe it as the destination where good souls endure after unleashing the human body but not every soul may reside in heaven, many deserve hell and which soul will resides in heaven or hell depends on their karma. Good karma is the way to get hospitality at heaven but bad karma may lead to punishment at hell. These are the myths or may be facts which we got to know from our parents, books, granths, rituals and predecessors which is taken as a belief by some people or becomes the reason of one’s jest. There are over two billion Christians in the world, the vast majority of whom believe in heaven and hell. You die and your soul goes either to everlasting bliss or torment. Americans continue to anticipate a version of the alternative portrayed in The Good Place: regardless of religious persuasion, 72% believe in a literal heaven, 58% in a literal hell. Heaven and hell are common religious mythologies followed by almost every religion on the basis of their rituals. Heaven, or the heavens, is a common religious cosmological, or transcendent supernatural place where beings such as gods, angels, spirits, saints, or ventral ancestors are said to originate, be enthroned, or live. According to the beliefs of some religions, heavenly beings can ascend to heaven in the afterlife, or in exceptional cases enter Heaven alive.

Neither Francis nor any other sane probe will come back with a report of heaven, or that an over-enthusiastic company will tap into a source of heat much larger than any survey had estimated, shortly before all the management and shareholders are sucked down inside it by ravening demons or its existence may be relinquished overnight. It is quite to agree that hell is not a place in the external world or has no physical reality in the technological world which believes in development, development and development. It’s something that exists only in the imagination but it will still have a physical manifestation somewhere in the brains of believers.

Arguing about the existence of heaven and hell may be like arguing about the existence of zero which is totally unimaginable and has no sense of eternity. Keeping my thoughts in this argument, I would suggest “heaven can only be described as the place where you got love, respect and care just like living with your family provides you with all the emotional attachments that you want in your life” that could be the real meaning of heaven and can be understated or downplayed as family or “a home sweet home” may be considered as heaven in my sense.

There is a beautiful saying that describes the delight and happiness connected to family. It says, ‘Our family is a circle of strength; founded on faith; joined in compassion and love; kept by God together forever with his blessings.’ Our parents, siblings and grandparents are special because they are the roots that support us in the hard like a roof that always saves us from storms and raining. But I understand the great challenges the modern family is facing, every day. The fragmentation of time and the greater efforts demanded of parents because of long work hours, the intrusion of social media, inability or reluctance to incorporate family prayer into daily life, the challenges of war, families separated by the national or international borders and frontiers, children who have abandoned the faith, marriages and relationship that are challenged by fighting and frustrations – all this takes a toll and looks for encouragement through difficult times that often seem like fighting with one’s reluctance to appear weal and vulnerable.

Now, Hell is something like the life behind the bars, those who had done something wrong or unsuitable that reflects their felonious karma made them survive without their family besides all the surveillance which they don’t deserved to get. Hell is not a place in the netherworld of eternal justice, it is a condition of human turpitude created by man. For me I got a view of depravity after the learning from the ongoing cases in the country in which I heard that the Indian attackers and rapists not only killed their victims, but sexually mutilated or tortured them before putting them to the final end of death. This reminded me that there is a dark world to which we might be convicted, long before our demise.

Hell is to be found anywhere that some race and religious doctrines or credo feel so superior to another that the inferiors are no longer considered human. It is a disease around the world that must fought with all hearts and souls.

If this pluralistic world wants to live in the real world of heaven, they need to use a framework of love, compassion, equality; whether it is on the basis of religions, gender or caste, in which everyone is free to express themselves without any fear of being opposed or dominated; can relax in an environment full of peace. We can show love to the queer community rather than reading their isolated stories where they are biblically criticized. We can demand an end to solitary confinement and stripping off clothes of mentally ill prisoners. And if we are successful, we will see a reduction in the existence of hell. For the downtrodden, we could replace our hell on earth with a heaven on earth.

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