Handwara Attack (1)

Published on: May 14th,2020

by; Nikita Rana

India witnessed heart-breaking news of an Indian army Colonel, a major and 2 soldiers along with JAMMU and Kashmir police sub inspector, being killed in a counter – terrorist operation in Kashmir later on Sunday.

It was one of the deadliest operations for the security forces in Jammu and Kashmir which took place in Handwara in Kupwara District, which also resulted in killing of 2 terrorists.

JAMMU and Kashmir is  ‘Heaven on earth' when it comes to science, landscapes, snow- capped mountains, clear water streams and beautiful views. It is a place where the father of the nation Mahatma Gandhi saw a ray of hope for peace during the Partition of India in the year 1947, when the entire country was on fire. A place where lion and goat drank water at one place on the bank of River Tawi.

In such a calm, peaceful and beautiful place, why did so many terror attack take place? Why did it become  ‘a land of terrorism'  from ' heaven on earth'? Heaven doesn’t look like this, where people are not allowed to move outside their homes after evening prayers. People have no certainty of their lives, children have no childhood, they don’t see toys, but they see guns and bombs.

Talking about one of the latest attacks – The Handwara attack took place in Kupwara District of Handwara. The question is what is the reason behind such terrorism? The prime reason is the strategic location of Kashmir. Terrorism is either state sponsored or a reaction to state sponsored terrorism seeking liberation in islam.

 The incident took place as some terrorists probably infiltrated across the LOC, which is possible during this season. They reached the traditional reception areas in the Rajwada forest adjoining Handwara, the fairly notorious North Kashmir town. This is the season for infiltration because April- May is the time when Pakistan attempts to infiltrate maximum terrorist along the LOC.

The Pakistani terrorist group successfully reached the Rajwada forest and moved into the urban zone to access safe potential houses. An intelligence attempt about their presence was sent to local 21 Rashtriya Rifles. The CO and Company Commander probably entered a house or a cluster of houses with small team. This was the time when things went wrong which resulted in the loss of communication with them. The terrorists reportedly attempted seeking shelter by hostage taking. The RR troops reached and undertook the operation, which led to killing of 2 terrorists.

Colonel Ashutosh Sharma, Major Anuj Sood, JAMMU and Kashmir sub – inspector Sageer Ahmed KAZI, Lance NK Dinesh and NK Rajesh lost their lives in a gunbattle with theterrorists in are the brave hearted soldiers who sacrificed their lives.

Therefore, who should be held responsible for the mastermind behind such a act of violence- The Handwara attack?

Pakistan has been exposed yet again after Syed Salahuddin claimed that Hizbul Mujahideen was behind the dastardly Handwara attack in Jammu and Kashmir. A video released which shows Salahuddin, head of the terror outfit and a US State Department-designated global terrorist, speaking to his followers claiming the Handwara terror attack. In the video, which is apparently from PoK's Muzzafarabad, Salahuddin is seen speaking at a meeting to mourn Riyaz Naikoo's death. Naikoo's killing has weakened the terrorist outfit and Salahuddin is seen accepting the same in the video. Clearly, the killing of Riaz Naikoo has come as a big jolt for the terror groups engaged in Kashmir. It is not known where in PoK was the video recorded but it clearly establishes how terrorism is perpetrated by these groups against India. According to sources in the Indian Army, it was on May 1 when the security forces first confronted the holed-up Pakistan-backed terrorists. After locating the terrorists in the Rajwada forest area, the Army, along with Jammu and Kashmir Police attacked the spot. However, the troopers partially held their fire after they witnessed that at least 11 civilians, including five women, were being used as cover by the terrorists.

While one terrorist suffered an injury during the exchange of fire on May 1, the others used the women as human shields to flee the spot. On May 2, when the security forces received information about the terrorists hiding in a cowshed, a team of the Indian Army, led by Colonel Ashutosh Sharma, the Commanding Officer of 21 Rashtriya Rifles, reached the Rajwada forest area in Handwara. The team first ensured that at least 10 civilians present in the area first leave the site without any harm. The team didn't want any hostage situation. Hence, this makes clear about the tactics of the Pakistan.

After this incident, many actors expressed their sorrow. Ayushman Khurana wrote a heart felt poem as a tribute to Handwara attack martyrs and their families. He says- देश का हर जवान बहुत ख़ास है, है लड़ता जब तक श्वास है, परिवारों के सुखों का कारावास है, शहीदों की माओं का अनंत उपवास है, उनके बच्चों को कहते सुना है - पापा अभी भी हमारे पास हैं! 

Amitabh Bachchan expressed his heartfelt feelings by saying - "The heart - wrenching pictures of the 'shahid' departed .. at the recent attack ..  the family the fellow officers .. all to much to digest and refer to just , that our pride for them that sacrifice is beyond any other desire .. Jai Hind ! and salutations ..(Flag of India).

 Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Defence minister Rajnath Singh paid tributes to the martyrs who lost their lives in the Handwara terrorist attack.

How many of us remember the names of the army officers who lost their lives while serving the nation? How many of us remember the sacrifices made by our defense forces and their families to protect us? How many of us remember the horror tales of the terrorist attacks on national borders? Hardly a few of us. We tend to forget the sacrifices, the immense bravery, and the spirit of the officers who lay down their lives fighting for the country. Why is it so, that we tend to normalize martyrdom of soldiers? It requires immense bravery and courage to serve the country without fearing death. Then why do we forget their sacrifice in a few seconds?

No, their job is not to die, but to fight for the nation and protect us. And when they lose their lives while protecting us, it is a great loss. When a legendary actor dies, the whole nation mourns. On the other hand, when a soldier is martyred, it is just a matter of a few minutes, and very quickly, we move on.

Are real-life heroes not as important as reel life heroes? They are the pride of this nation. They undergo harsh living conditions and circumstances just to make sure that none of us suffers or dies. Like us, they too have families whom they have to leave back at home to protect us. There is no point of comparing ' reel heroes' with ' real heroes', and it will be a shame if one does so.

This shows how we have normalized martyrdom of soldiers in our lives. Their sacrifice is overlooked as we tend to think that it’s a part of their job, but it isn’t. They don’t stand on the borders to die. They stand there to fight till the end, to bravely face the enemy and to protect the nation and its citizens. It is their love and passion for the country and their bravery that makes them what they are. They deserve all the respect and appreciation, which we fail to deliver.

Appreciation is not something which our respected soldiers demand, it is something which they deserve. The least we can do is to acknowledge their bravery, courage, and sacrifice, and pay homage to them and always remember the tale of their bravery.

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