Following your hobbies during lockdown make you happy and feel relaxed...

Published on: June 10th,2020

It is often said that "When life gets you down, it is your hobbies which will take you up". It might sound simple, but it’s true: Hobbies have been instrumental in improving productivity and mental health. What does hobby exactly mean? Hobbies are the activities which make you happy and feel relaxed, it's a thing that gives you pleasure in your regular life. The situation of the worst pandemic known as COVID-19 has forced everyone to stay in their houses. Many of us are midway through our first week of social distancing. Yes, I know it feels like we’ve been held in our homes for an eternity. The days are beginning to blend together. You miss going on your morning run. You haven’t figured out how to work out now that your gym is closed. Unfortunately, it seems we’re just at the start of a long period of isolation but as it is said that "every negative thing has some positive ray in it ", something that can make you feel better in the worst are your hobbies.

Hobbies scholars have found that pursuing these sorts of pastimes is very good for our physical and mental health. One study found that people who spend time practicing on hobbies are lesser prone to depression and have better cardiovascular health than those who did not. In fact, a 2015 study recommended that hobbies could be a medical intervention for people experiencing high levels of stress, since hobby practitioners report a personal sense of well-being. One reason these activities are so good for us is that they allow us to pursue the passions we don’t usually get to explore at work or in our families. There are dozens of possible activities for us to take part in, and what we end up choosing is an extension of our identity. People often tend to feel more like themselves when they’re busy doing their hobbies. And since many of us pursue the same small set of hobbies throughout our entire lives, these activities have a way of reconnecting us to earlier versions of ourselves.

Researchers have found that people who spend time on hobbies tend to show more interest in the world around them. This makes sense. Hobbies force us to focus on an activity: This means we have to temporarily stop thinking about the issues stressing us out at a given moment. Following up your hobbies not only makes you happy from outside but also makes you happy from inside which in turn fills you with positivity. Every hobby has its own benefits like reading books helps you to sharpen your thinking skills, writing poetry or diary teaches you to feel deep and explore, cooking will make you a perfect chef etc.

As we know that we’re living through a very difficult moment in history; right now, it’s vital for us to distance ourselves from one another, to try to stop the disease from spreading. As the days of isolation turn into weeks, it will become increasingly important for us to think about what we can do to stay positive. Spending time on your favorite activities could be a simple way to keep your spirits high. So at least but not the least, follow your hobbies and make your boring life interesting and happy.



College name - MIRANDA HOUSE

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