Published on: June 5th,2020

Ever thought why some of us our millionaire or has a big fame and name or our inspiration to others and some of us our just unknown to people just confined to our own small world. Many people have set themselves as an example for the upcoming time, but how?

The answer to this is that their failures made them do so. It was not their procrastination, not their giving up, not their crying upon something that doesn't go right or not their bad fortune it was their failures and there determination to rise above that failure to improve what they missed earlier implement it again by not seeing backward and with whole will.

Their past stories of failures made them what they are today. Yes, its true everyone has a bad story behind their good story, everyone needs to go through months full of sweat, days full of busy schedule, minutes full of stress and above that a brain full of negativity and dilemma whether are they on a right track or they need to change them and stop whatever new and good they are trying to start for them and society.

Everyone who now is a big person or a person who inspires each and every minute we think about them are so because they made them determined enough to grow and pop out the bubble full of stress, taunts from society and negativity spread by people who never try to grow themselves. Every person who stand out from their peers, who work to avoid failures, who never loose hopes because of their failures are now successful, inspirational and big motivators.

Failures may let your morale down, may let you show the way out of the room, may demotivate you to move further and a step forward but the person who overcomes all this hurdles and obstacles and really want to be a out of the box thing forget about what happens wrong with them and try to go on without considering it's bad but taking all good from it to achieve all they want.

Many successful persons like Jeff Bezos, Warren Buffet, Elon musk, Mahatma Gandhi, Mark Twain and many more who are like the stars in the night sky that seems dull without them. Many of us start accepting the average and go with the flow without even thinking that this is not devastating but something terrible. Because this is nothing, but accepting your failure and discarding to look towards the success you can have if you would have taken a step ahead to change something in your own style.

Failures are not for demoralizing one but are just like lessons one should learn from them and should indulge all the corrections they made previously to glow up their rest of the life. Failures are failures until we treat them like one but if we would change our perspective towards would treat them like they want us to explain and tell what we are doing is not right and we need to change it as soon as we can so that one can change their way to proceed and can do wonders in there plan and can have that imagined destination.

Like we need a road to reach our destination, failures are just like a road to our destined success. They are much needed to help us reach where we want to see ourselves in our future. Failures tells us infact help us in knowing that we are either not giving enough or we are not right enough thus by improving them each and every time we can reach our goal. This clearly states the meaning of the sentence and a phrase given by a highly successful leader "Failures lead the way to success" more clearly. Overcoming the failures in your way can turn out to be your small achievements towards your success. Always losing hope is not a solution when you can do wonders by not losing it too soon and working hard on that.

Yes, failures are important to make you achieve your success otherwise how will you inspire others about you, what will you reply when asked about your success story. So, you need to overcome those and motivate others to not fall in trap of accepting what is happening with them and try to look beyond them.



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