Every card failed in front of Coronavirus

Published on: June 5th,2020

A virus or a disease that does not respect boundaries, a virus that is not racist… it does not discriminate between poor or rich, big entrepreneurs or street vendors, foreigners or natives. All are equally prone to be infected. All

economies are on their knees.., be it the superpower USA or developing nations. This pandemic has brought a sea change for all.

Each section of the society was attracted towards the jobs of others. Businessman always dreamt to be working in some

Multi National Company…..Private employees used to think doing business is more fruitful, full of freedom, money ,and gravitas.

Government job is considered to be safest job with pension, job security and many more perks, but this time even they have lost the inning, this time they too are not the laureate of man of the match….some percentage of their salaries is at stake in the wake of crises to be contributed in PM CARES fund created on 28

March 2020.

In market, all theories failed……demand theory…supply theory…price theory, a shop may provide goods at low rates but this time only a sanitizer peeps through the consumer's pocket, left with no income, thus no demand.

Five star restaurants, hotels are all shut. Yes sir what would you like to have…..orders coming from all corners are ceased. All foodies are stuck at their homes, leaving restaurants at the great loss.

Automobile companies are all simply exhibiting their cars but no customer shows up, provided, they no longer need it…. today’s trend is Work from Home. Electricity…one of the basic necessities too showed decline. All firms, industries are ceased to work , so electricity demand instantly went down.

Even the schools and colleges have got a hard hit. Students are learning online. Teachers send homework WhatsApp groups or take classes via Zoom or Google meet. But do the students get anything? or they just look at the screen and later all blank ??? When we all are proposing to launch new educational programs, to open new institutions, to widen the reach of schools, ironic ally the already existing institutions are closed. Parents and school administration are in conflict over fees.

Agriculture one of the few sectors, which showed even good output during this crises too can be soon hit by locusts attack ,which can damage the crops to the extent that we can confront a famine in near future.

Everyone is sailing in the same boat, all are facing heavy losses, struggling for survival. The economy is on her hinges. No sector is left. Everyone’s life has come to halt. It shows that when God is the captain of game, he is never biased and each player gets level playing field.

~Deepika Jaglan

Dyal Singh College

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