Published on: June 24th,2020

SYMPATHY IS A GREAT THING FOR THE ONE WHO IS SHOWING IT OR FOR THE ONE WHO IS TOLERATING. Disability truly is a matter of perception. As lord Buddha has said, “WHAT WE THINK, WE BECOME”. Most people with disability face them with a bravery that most of us, who often complain about “ the little insignificant things of life” , cannot imagine. We never imagine how blessed we are and all of the problems are just in our heads. We have been blessed with a perfectly fine body, if you are able to read this article you are blessed by god. You can operate a laptop and don’t have dyslexia, WOW! If you are able to read, write, hear and say your opinion, you are blessed totally. But still we tend to give up so easily. Lost a relationship? Cut your arm .. SERIOUSLY, people crave for this life that you have today? Failed a test or failed in your goals or career? Jump off the bridge. These are never ever the solutions.

An excellent example of this is “MUNIBA MAZARI: THE IRON LADY OF PAKISTAN.”Keeping all the anti- national stuffs aside, the inspiring journey of this lady is a must hear. She faced a serious car accident across 10 years ago which took her leg and she was at null fault. She had around 20 injuries and her spine got injured. The doctor told that she would not be able to hold a pen again, despite she wanted to be an artist. She wasn’t able to wake up from the wheelchair ever in her life and not be able to be a mother. That was devastating for her but how the history will remind hr through the memory of a woman who never gave up is a true inspiration. And that time the only words that kept her was , “this too shall pass. God has a greater plan for you. I don’t know what it is, how long will it take? But he surely has”.

Other examples are Helen Keller, an extremely sharp person who carried her graduation despite being deaf and dumb. Stephen Hawking was an extraordinary scientist who is still an inspiration and a mysteriously-able man.

Defining who have disabilities and how to meet their health needs is tricky because there is no standard formula and because disabilities can take so many forms. Some researchers look at disability as a medical problem needing medical care. Others take a functional view and define people with a disability in terms of the work or activities they can perform. Still others look at disability through a social lens, considering conditions in the social environment that prevent participation in society and how to remedy that. You call them disabled or handicapped, but they call themselves “differently-able”. it is very certain that the impaired individuals can accomplish more than what the vast majority anticipate from them and they don't merit any sort of separation because of their conditions. Most nations have additionally found the incredible potential in debilitated individuals and are attempting everything they can to help them. There are likewise numerous non-administrative affiliations that have been shaped in different states for the help of the equivalent. A portion of these activities are contributing more on reasonable frameworks of social consideration for those with an incapacity, making mindfulness on handicap, responsibilities of making advanced education comprehensive of the incapacitated and some more. With the sort of soul and exertion from numerous nations, plainly they have joined to stop the different negative recognitions in regards to incapacity and we ought to likewise go along with them on the side of the handicapped.

Talking about the jobs and acceptance in the society, At whatever point an exertion has been made to challenge the standards in the public arena, it is hidden in the story line and accordingly contacts the crowd in a roundabout manner through the story line introduced. Individuals with incapacities are still not being offered numerous jobs, yet a rising number of TV arrangement as well as sitcoms are including genuine debilitated people, a large number of these jobs of which are focal characters. No different, this doesn't recommend that they are being depicted in a positive way or are changing the standards of society. Jobs with inabilities are generally less ground-breaking and give a limited job in contrast with characters who don't have an incapacity. The accomplishment of invented TV arrangement or potentially sitcoms comprises in their capacity to keep the crowd's enthusiasm for the story line and through the imaginary characters. They ought to have the option to evoke a wide scope of feelings from the TV crowd. At whatever point an exertion has been made to challenge the standards in the public eye, it is hidden in the story line and along these lines contacts the crowd in a backhanded manner through the story line introduced. Individuals with inabilities are still not being offered numerous jobs, however a rising number of TV arrangement and additionally sitcoms are including real crippled people, a considerable lot of these jobs of which are focal characters.

No different, this doesn't propose that they are being depicted in a positive way or are changing the standards of society. Jobs with inabilities are regularly less incredible and give a confined job in contrast with characters who don't have an incapacity. The accomplishment of imaginary TV arrangement as well as sitcoms comprises in their capacity to keep the crowd's enthusiasm for the story line and through the invented characters. They ought to have the option to inspire a wide scope of feelings from the TV crowd. At whatever point an exertion has been made to challenge the standards in the public arena, it is hidden in the story line and hence contacts the crowd in a backhanded manner through the story line introduced. Individuals with handicaps are still not being offered numerous jobs, yet a rising number of TV arrangement as well as sitcoms are including real crippled people, a large number of these jobs of which are focal characters. No different, this doesn't propose that they are being depicted in a positive way or are changing the standards of society. Jobs with handicaps are frequently less ground-breaking and give a confined job in contrast with characters who don't have an inability.

“Disability is a matter of perception. If you can do just one thing well, you're needed by someone.”

-Martina Navratilova. We tend to see a "disability" through our own eyes rather than the eyes of those who have the disability. The society should help them in a normal education rather than the ‘special’ one and more accessibility should be provided to them to aid them to achieve their dreams. The message that a child with a disability receives about himself from his environment determines to a large extent his feelings about who he is, what he can do and how he should behave.



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