Published on: May 14th,2020

-By Vaidehi Arora

Starting a business may sound easy to you my friend, but conquering the business world is no piece of cake.

Either you are already running a small business or thinking of starting one, in both the cases your first question will be- ‘why should I write blogs about my business? I can simply engage my time and money in other promotional activities like ads. '

This fact may help answer your question: ACCORDING TO WORDPRESS,” OVER 29 BILLION PEOPLE VIEW BLOG POSTS EVERY MONTH”. This means if your business does not have a blog, then buddy, you are missing out on reaching a large audience and the opportunity to convert viewers into potential customers. Now this doesn’t mean that you should just get up and start writing blogs. If you are already aware of the space internet is in right now, you must be knowing that it is flooded with thousands of blogs, some so famous that people are earning lakhs from its fame, whereas on the opposite side of the coin, there lying a whole cluster of blogs unheard, unread. At this point, I can guarantee one of the following questions must be popping in your head-




Here are some tips tried and tested by famous businessmen who earned lakhs through blogging their company and some million-dollar secrets which will help you to sail smoothly through this blogging journey.

Here we go…

1. QUALITY OVER QUANTITY: The most most important tip is that don’t get influenced under the length of your competitors’ article. Make sure that your article contains quality content which will actually help your readers. It should not seem that you are just rambling 2000-3000 words just to increase the length. Whatever you write, make sure your audience connects with it.

2. BLOG CONSISTENTLY: If you are new to the internet world, make sure that you are writing blogs every second or third day. This will keep you connected with your audience and it will become easy for them to trust you. Also blogging consistently will keep you updated of the latest happenings around the world.

3. USE PICTURE DESCRIPTION: Pictures are a great way to convey your ideas. It looks attractive and have a long-lasting impact on the brain of audience. There is a Bollywood movie- DRISHYAM, in which the protagonist uses the concept that visuals have a lasting impact on human brains, to its own advantage. Similarly, you must use lots of pictures in your article to capture a larger part of your reader's brain.

4. CONDUCT KEYWORD RESEARCH: If you are new to this keyword concept, let me tell you how this works. Your article must consist of such keywords that it must immediately pop up when people are searching for the related topic. This will also help your firm rank higher on the google search engine page.

5. SPOONFEED YOUR AUDIENCE: By this, I mean that your article should cover 360 degree of that particular aspect. Provide every knowledge, answer every question that may be in your audience’s mind. It should be in such a way that once the person reads your blog, he/she should not feel the need to read anyone else's.

6. WRITE TARGET ORIENTED BLOGS: If you ask someone for directions to a shop which is located in the next street, imagine how would you feel if they say go the last street and then go to the street in which the shop is located. Obviously frustrated, right? Similarly, if you present your content in the form of jalebi, they would get distracted and irritated. All I am saying is write blogs which are direct and in simple form.

7. RESEARCH YOUR COMPETITORS BLOG: Always be aware of your competitor’s strategy and never copy the work, as this will dishearten your audience and they may boycott yours. Also, if you are lacking something in your article you can identify it in comparison to your competitor.

8. GET IN TOUCH WITH INFLUENTIAL BLOGGERS: Try to get in touch with influential bloggers who gained success through the digital world. This will help you to gain a lot of experience from them. You can identify their past mistakes and correct that thing in your work. Social media is a great place to connect with them as in this way, you can get them to read your work also.

9. REWARD YOUR READERS: Another way to attract more traffic is that you should reward your readers with some products that you are promoting. In this way, they use your product and if they liked it you will have a customer for lifetime. Not only this it will have a chain reaction as that person will definitely tell his/her friends and relatives ands there you go, you will attract a huge chunk of audience in that way.

10. HAVE AN OPINION AS STRONG AS WOOD: You must never be vague or partly sure of your content. Write it with confidence, grace and conviction. This will assure you audience and will make easy for them to believe your content.

These 10 tips will help you write a blog in a complete sense. Now if you are thinking that following them accurately will bring you humongous number of people in seconds, let me correct you there and then: it will make your blog a perfect one, but attracting eyeballs, developing an audience will take a lot of patience.

FINAL WORD: Blogging requires work, a lot of work, hard work, but patience is the key here my friend. And as we say – “The fruit of patience is very sweet.” Lastly, all the best for your business keep working hard, keep hustling.

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