Teenage and Aggression (1)

Published on: May 2nd,2020

"When a man has a gift in speaking the truth, brute aggression is no longer his security blanket for approval. He, on the contrary, spends most of his energy trying to tone it down because his very nature is already offensive enough." -Criss Jami

It is not deniable that a whole hearted desired thing would not lead a person to do every possible thing to achieve it. The path that leads to that end result is full of ups and downs that shows experience and struggle through which a person has gone through during the whole journey. An experienced person is the one who has faced every stage of his life with certain respective hurdles and teenage is one of them. Teenage is the most confusing and depressive stage of life that everyone has to face. At this stage, a person has to face and tackle most of the difficult decisions or choices that come their way.

Today, most of the youth and specially the teenagers are suffering because of the problem of decision making or not being able to make choices between the things they actually want or desire. This leads them to take destructive steps for the same and they lose their conscience over the small things. Their continuous efforts for the things that their guardians don't allow them to seek make them more rebellious in nature and this creates stubbornness in them which makes them lose control over their nerves and make them aggressive in nature. Being aggressive at this stage of life is no less than a harm to self and squander the precious time as well. There are lot of hormonal changes as well during teenage stage that makes a person's mind do things that are different from others in order to satisfy themselves to the fullest of their will by going against the righteous things told by others. Attraction of the outside world makes them blind in choosing the right or wrong things intellectually. For instance, there was a 19 year old boy who was arrested for killing his whole family including his father, mother and sister just for restricting him from doing things that are not so productive for him, he used to spend hours in playing the online game PUBG, he also got jealous of his own sister because she was getting more attention from his parents than him. So, in order to teach them a lesson, he stabbed all three members of his family and gave this case a picture of robbery but the police was able to find the genuine reason behind it. There are a lot of things that make a young mind create aggressive thoughts that include influence by other people, specially of their age in some way or other but not being able to get the same. Also, nowadays, in the competitive world, everyone is trying to get the best by defeating others but somewhere they are losing harmony and temper to a great extent; patience is now of no meaning to them; the impulsive nature makes them take inadequate steps further that would definitely make them guilty later. Even the desire of getting little things in their life and not being able to achieve them make them instantly out of their temper that makes them reactive in a very disastrous way. They don't want to understand the importance and hard work behind everything they wanted to achieve and believe that they can achieve those just by snapping the fingers. Some of the teenagers take education as a burden on themselves under the pressure of their parents; at this stage of their life they got their minds distracted by others bad things which leads them to a disturbed path. The pressure of studying makes some of the teenagers very depressive as they are not able to match their parents' expectations and ultimately this pressure leads them to think about scary decisions like suicide or self-destruction.

Everyone wants to look good and superior in every aspect but instead of getting it, loosing what they already have, does not make a good deal. At teenage, people decline to accept themselves with their flaws and try to look perfect in every possible way. But as it is said that "Nobody can be perfect", they are not able to accept this reality that makes them aggressive for their every little flaw. They always try to show themselves in a perfectly but whenever they come to know that they failed in it, they start to struggle with their short-tempered behavior and the fear of not being able to represent themselves in a certain desired manner. This problem could be majorly seen with the female teenagers regarding their dressing sense, their facial look, their hair etc. Anger over these small things lead them to step forward for violent actions like fighting or insists them to use abusive language. Due to this short tempered or aggressive behavior, now there are so many teenagers at present who are suffering from headache problems or most of them are suffering from migraine at a very small age. Aggression brings nothing but self-destruction or impulsive nature that brings only disastrous consequences that would be regretted later; that is felt more harmful than anything else. It's just about not losing conscience even in the hard times and facing every problem with patience by studying every aspect of it wisely.

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